Wikipedia - Osorno Básquetbol

Osorno Básquetbol was a Chilean basketball club based in Osorno, Los Lagos Region. The club was established on November 19, 2009. The club played in the Liga Nacional de Chile.

The Liga Nacional home games were played at the Gimnasio María Gallardo; some of the Liga Saesa games were played at the Gimansio Español.

The club was expelled from the Liga Nacional in February 2019 for two years, and the club itself was folded due to the financial difficulties.

КДСК Осорно е чилийски професионален баскетболен клуб със седалище в Осорно. Състезава се в първото ниво на чилийския баскетбол, Liga Nacional de Básquetbol de Chile. Основан е през 1956 г. и играе домакинските си мачове в Gimnasio Monumental Maria Gallardo.